7 November 2007

Created date

Wednesday, November 7, 2007 - 10:00pm

Activity at the Bushfire CRC has not slowed since the hectic days of the Hobart conference in September

Here is a brief outline of what has been happening and what is planned for the near future.

South Australian partners

With a view to seek the impressions of stakeholders on the performance of the Bushfire CRC and views of the funding bid, Naomi Brown (CEO of AFAC), Richard Thornton (Bushfire CRC Research Director) and I visited Adelaide last month. The Department of Environment and Heritage, Country Fire Service, Metropolitan Fire Service and Forestry SA provided their candid views for our consideration. Richard and I also met with Adelaide University to discuss opportunities for use of their multimillion dollar wind tunnel and collaborative research with other providers.

Project Vesta

Australia’s most extensive study of the behaviour of high-intensity bushfires in dry eucalyptus forests – Project Vesta – was launched last week.

Gary Morgan
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Bushfire CRC