In the media

Created date

Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 12:13pm

During the floods in Queensland and Victoria in January some Bushfire CRC researchers were asked to make comments in the media including one of our new postgraduate students, Rachel Carter, of La Trobe University, who spoke on issues of insurance for natural disasters.

The Bushfire CRC made media comments on the fires in Western Australia in February regarding the learnings from Black Saturday and the links between warnings for fire and flood, as well as other more general comments on prescribed burning and building in bushfire areas. Gary Morgan, CEO of the Bushfire CRC, was interviewed for the national ABC 7.30 Report, ABC Radio National Breakfast, The Australian, and Adelaide radio, while our comments were repeated across many news publications.

And only last week, as our University of Western Australia researchers began to survey residents following the fires around Perth, Project Leader Prof David Morrison and Research Director Dr Richard Thornton, both were in high demand by local radio and newspaper media.