Community Safety
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The way people feel and think will influence the way they act when faced with a threat such as the possibility of a bushfire in their area. This project investigated the...
A person facing a threat has two competing tasks: To manage the threat itself, perhaps by acting. And to manage the emotional response to the threat, referred to as fear control....
Householders living in fire-prone bushland areas recognised the high fire danger on their doorsteps, but many may treat fuel hazard reduction as a low priority. This study...
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In big picture terms, sharing responsibility for disaster management is about the ways governments and citizens work together to minimise the potential impact of disaster events....
There are two key paradigms which inform the development of community safety policies around bushfires (Handmer 2008). The predominant paradigm is centred on the issue of fire...
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This Community Safety Workshop was held as part of the 2009 AFAC and Bushfire CRC annual conference on the Gold Coast. Prof Douglas Paton, a Bushfire CRC project leader at the...
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PhD project - looking into legal regulatory system of both insurance schemes and funding of fire services.
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Research project
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