Risk Management
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The Victorian State Government this week launched a fire prediction and early warning system based on Bushfire CRC research that will deliver detailed information on the spread...
The year is 2020. Australia is hotter, drier and far more fire prone than ever before. What effect is this having on our water supplies, agriculture, changing rural populations...
Blog entry
The Victorian bushfires of 7 February 2009 resulted in major loss of life, property, and other assets. The questions and issues that quickly emerged will be the subject of...
Blog entry
Vital decisions that could save lives and homes “Prepare, stay and defend or leave early” – a national briefing for journalists to launch new evidence supporting a...
Human population and climate changes directly affect fire regimes and associated risks. Risk management now emphasises assessment, measurement and mitigation of risks to a wide...
The Bushfire Management Business Model project - led by Dr Kevin Tolhurst  of the University of Melbourne - was born out of the recognition that while bushfire management has been...
Accurate numbers on  the economic, social and environmental costs of bushfires are hard to identify. Estimates often ignore economic principles and are of limited value in...
       This project, led by Professor Mark Adams of the University of Sydney, was a significant extension to the work of the Bushfire CRC. Following the devastating alpine...
Modelling bushfire spread improves decision-making in critical scenarios. This project developed reliable bushfire spread  simulation and animation technology to support a wide...
At the rural/urban fringe, firefighters are exposed to smoke from not just vegetation, but from combinations of burning houses, cars and other materials. These firefighters are...
Why do good firefighters sometimes make poor decisions? This research,  undertaken by a La Trobe University team led by psychology lecturer Dr Mary Omodei  in collaboration...
Risk communication is an ongoing difficulty for fire and emergency services. Official reports continue to refer to the need for better, timely warnings and advice on safe action...
Addressing the impacts of climate and global change on fire regimes is one of the most important strategic issues confronting bushfire managers in Australia. This project...
The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission identified a need to improve the ability to assess the potential impacts of bushfires on rural and urban/rural interface communities...
This pilot research project applied the innovative process of ‘place mapping’. This new approach for the fire and land management industry allows agencies to better understand how...
This project considered whether conflicting legal requirements, and fear of litigation, may impede decision making in emergency management. It identified the true impact of law...
Issue 10 - Bushfires, like droughts, have been part of the Australian environment for thousands of years
