Protecting fire fighters

Respiratory Irritants in Australian Bushfire Smoke: Air Toxics Sampling in a Smoke Chamber and During Prescribed Burns

A. J. B. M. De Vos, Reisen, F., Cook, A., Devine, B., and Weinstein, P., Respiratory Irritants in Australian Bushfire Smoke: Air Toxics Sampling in a Smoke Chamber and During Prescribed Burns, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 380 - 388, 2009.

Effect of protective filters on fire fighter respiratory health: field validation during prescribed burns

A. J. B. M. De Vos, Cook, A., Devine, B., Thompson, P. J., and Weinstein, P., Effect of protective filters on fire fighter respiratory health: field validation during prescribed burns, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 76 - 87, 2009.


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