
admin.bfcrc's picture

John chews on a mash-up mantra: "i am what i eat | i am the change i want to see". Ruminations continue. His business interests are expressed through BoaB interactive (, based in MT Molloy, Far North Queensland.

His background is in online information system solutions, having worked with many state and commonwealth agencies in Australia since arriving here in 1995. He was befriended by Jude and Michel Fanton in 1997 and became enchanted with Australia's blossoming community food systems. Determined to contribute, he founded Australian Community Foods in 1998 and met Russ and Fiona along the way.

In 2002 he earned a Masters in Social Ecology for his research into local food systems and an entropy-grounded theory of ethics, and became more involved with ACFCGN in 2007.

Currently John and wife Caroline are opening up the heavy shale/clay soils and fascinating district of Mount Molloy with an eye toward patterning a tropical pharmacy community garden.


0407 471 565

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